In October of 2023, we began renovations on a house on Douglass Street, and we are thrilled to announce that this house is being renovated with the help of students from Reading Muhlenberg Career & Technology Center!

Projects the students will be working on will include:

  • Lots of demolition
  • Remodeling the kitchen
  • Updating the bathroom
  • Upgrading the windows to improve energy efficiency
  • Replacing the boiler
  • Taking down and rebuilding the staircase

Not only are these supervised projects providing the students with real life experience in their chosen trades, but their efforts will help to revitalize the community where they live. We are grateful for this partnership with Reading Muhlenberg CTC, and are excited to be able to provide this opportunity for their students.

Projects like this are only possible with the help of our donors, volunteers and ReStore shoppers. We appreciate your generous support, which is vital to building a strong and stable community.

Read the full article on The Reading Eagle

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