Who We Are

Strong and Stable Homes Help Build Strong and Stable Families

Habitat for Humanity was founded in 1988. Since then, the number of homes built is well over sixty and still rising. Our vision at Habitat for Humanity of Berks County is to be among the major housing leaders in our community for neighborhood revitalization by providing affordable housing and homeownership opportunities for our client families.

Who We Are | Habitat Berks

Our Core Values

  • Providing families with a decent place to live
  • Neighborhood revitalization via home ownership
  • Excellence in home construction and volunteer experiences
  • Inclusion and diversity
  • Respect and gratitude for those who give and those who receive
  • Collaboration
  • Environmental and financial sustainability

The Impact

Homeownership: Did You Know?

  • 90% of surveyed Habitat home-owners in 44 cities said they could not have owned a home without help from Habitat.
  • Research shows lower teen pregnancy rates, better test scores, and higher high school graduation rates for children of homeowners.
  • Children of homeowners are more likely to graduate from college compared with children in families who do not own their homes.
  • Surveys of Habitat homeowners show improved grades, better financial health, and parents who are more sure that they can meet their families’ needs.
  • Homeowners are more likely to be involved in community civic engagements, local elections, and volunteer work compared to renters.

Dueno de Popiedad: Sabia Usted?

  • 90% delos prpietarios do Habitat en 44 ciudades de Estados Unidos dijo que no podrian obtener su propiedad sin ayuda de Habitat
  • Investigaciones muestran menores rasa de embarazo adoescente, mejores puntajes y mayores tasa de graduacion de la escuela secundaria para los hijos de los propietarios
  • Los ninos de los propietarios con mas probabilidades de graduarse de la Universidad en comparacion con los ninos de familias que no possen sus hogares
  • Los propietarios de muestran grados mejardos, major salud financiera y padre que mas seguros que pueben cubrir las necesidades de sus familias
  • Los propiertos tienenmas probabilidades de involucrarse en compromisos civico compromisos, elecciones locales y trabajo voluntario en comparacion con los inquilinos.
Who We Are | Habitat Berks

Our Board of Directors and Staff

Habitat for Humanity of Berks County’s Board of Directors and staff are working together to reinvent the strategic planning behind the organization.

With a Board of Directors composed of professionals with diverse backgrounds, we are formulating a plan to raise funds together and positively impact HFHBC’s financial support and awareness in the community.

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